St. Peter's Episcopal Church, Rome, Georgia

We challenge ourselves and the world to love like Jesus, as we serve compassionately, worship joyfully, and grow spiritually.
~Purpose Statement of the Diocese of Atlanta

Our vision of St. Peter's is to accept, to share and to affirm the love of Christ through our life together.
~St. Peter's Vision Statement

  • Worship with Us



    8:30am – Holy Eucharist Rite I in Chapel

    9-10am – Breakfast served in Daniel Hall. Adults $3, kids 12 and under $2. Family maximum $10

    9:57am – Children’s Chapel, children depart from the Nave and will be returned at the Peace. Children’s Chapel Service Bulletin

    10:00 am – Holy Eucharist Rite II.  This service is broadcast live on WLAQ Radio, 1410 AM or 96.9 FM…or Live Stream on You Tube St. Peter’s Rome Ga.

    Adult Formation meet after the 10am service in Daniel Hall.

    3:30 pm – Holy Eucharist in Spanish in the Chapel & on Facebook

    4-5:30 pm – Children’s Formation meet on designated Sundays. See schedule on Children’s Ministry page.

    6-8pm – EYC meet at the church for food, fellowship and fun!

    Celtic Service Wednesdays 5:30pm in Chapel & on Facebook


Eve of the Nativity Service Schedule:

  • December 24th at 5pm and 11pm. Incense at the 11pm service only.
  • Pre music will begin 30 minutes prior to each service.
  • Both services in the nave.

Christmas Day Service in the Chapel at 10am.

The Rite II service will be broadcast live on WLAQ radio and live streamed on You Tube

Celtic Eucharist on Wednesday at 5:30pm in the Chapel.

Sunday Rite II service at 10am in the Nave.





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9.13.2020 Announcements COVID


Weekly Announcements 3/8/2020


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