Welcome to St. Peter's Episcopal Church Rome, Georgia | 706-291-9111
We challenge ourselves and the world to love like Jesus, as we serve compassionately, worship joyfully, and grow spiritually.
~Purpose Statement of the Diocese of Atlanta
Our vision of St. Peter's is to accept, to share and to affirm the love of Christ through our life together.
~St. Peter's Vision Statement
Lenten Season Services:
- Stations of the Cross, Tuesdays at 5:30pm in the Nave. March 11th through April 15th
- Evening Prayer, Thursdays at 5:30pm in the Chapel. March 6th through April 10th
Wednesday at 5:30pm Celtic Service in the Chapel
Celtic Lectionary 3.19.2025 Lent 2nd week Wednesday
The Rite II service will be broadcast live on WLAQ radio and live streamed on You Tube https://www.youtube.com/@StPetersRomeGA1844
Sunday Rite II service at 10am in the Nave.